Tropical Moths and Butterflies, Series #3

This is the third series on tropical moths and butterflies.

A close up shot of a moth-like insect perched on a wire.

12x zoom of a gray and white butterfly.

A yellow butterfly.

For more bigger and high-resolution photos, check out my gallery of Butterflies and Moths.

Related posts:
* Moths and Butterflies, Series #1
* Moths and Butterflies, Series #2

Technorati Tags: Nature, Photos, Butterfly, Moth

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    Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 4

    This is the 4th series on tropical wild mushroom photos collection.

    Top: White jelly-like mushrooms.

    Top: Tropical white mushrooms. Photo taken on a padi field.

    Top: A button mushroom growing on a burned stump of a bamboo.

    Top: An oyster mushroom.

    Related topics:
    * Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 1
    * Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 2
    * Tiny mushroom - Toad stool - Fungi, Series 3

    * More pictures on Tropical Wild Mushroom

    Housefly Sex, Series #2

    This is the second series of housefly sex. For the first series, click on Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)

    Below: A macro photo of houseflies mating on a wire. Photo taken on Dec 15, 2007.

    For hi-resolution photos of the above, click on my Flickr Fly Gallery

    Similar post: Macro photo of a dance fly couple mating and eating a fly

    Technorati Tags: ,

    Red Weevil-like Insect

    A tropical red Weevil-like insect.

    A red Weevil-like insect carry food (a seed).

    A red Weevil-like insect carry food (a seed).

    More hi-res photo on my Flickr Insect gallery.

    Live video of the red Weevil-like insect from my YouTube gallery.

    Technorati Tags: Red Weevil, Insect Photo

    Moths and Butterflies, Series #2

    Butterfly with white spots perched on tapioca leaves. This is a cropped photo.

    The original photo of the white spotted butterfly caught in the mid-morning sun ray.

    Distance from subject: approximately 10 feet
    Zoom: 12x
    Photo taken: Dec 16, 2007

    For more bigger and high-resolution photos, check out my gallery of Butterflies and Moths.

    Previous posts
    * Moths and Butterflies, Series #1

    Technorati Tags: Butterfly, Moth

    Moths and Butterflies, Series #1

    Butterflies are extremely difficult to shoot. They fly away at a slight breeze. Moths on the other hand, sit still but you can't have macro shot if you approached it too near.

    For this post, I present 4 types of subject (3 moths and a butterfly).

    Yellow moth perched on padi leaves. This is a cropped photo.

    The same yellow moth shot from normal range.

    Another yellow moth resting under shade of the padi leaves.

    Grey moth perched on some leaves.

    Black and gray butterfly looking for nectar among at the Ixora flowers. The butterfly species is Papilio Polymnestor (Blue Mormon) and is commonly found in deep forests.

    For more bigger and high-resolution photos, check out my gallery of Butterflies and Moths.

    Technorati Tags: Butterfly, Moth

    Adventure of two monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)

    Photo of monkeys mating.

    Introducing monkey #1
    Mating monkeys

    Introducing monkey #2
    Mating monkeys

    Monkeys caught in the act
    Mating monkeys

    Photo shot at Genting Highlands.

    For hi-res photo, click Monkey Gallery

    Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)

    Introducing Fly #1 (Fi)

    Introducing Fly #2 (Fo)

    Fi and Fo caught in the compromising act.

    ( click for large image)

    More explicit images of Fi and Fo

    Technorati Tags:

    Tiny mushroom - Toad stool - Fungi, Series 3

    This tiny mushroom grow on dead stick on the damp jungle floor. Not sure the exact species or scientific name but it is similar to a toad stool mushroom.

    Close up shoot (macro) without flash.

    Click Tiny Mushroom larger picture.

    Related posts:
    * Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi
    * Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 2

    Technorati Tags: Tiny mushroom, Toad stool, fungi

    Tropical Chameleon - Green crested lizard - earth lion

    Chameleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are squamates that belong to one of the best-known lizard families. The name "chameleon" means "Earth lion" and is derived from the Greek words chamai (on the ground, on the earth) and leon (lion).

    The chameleon in this post is known as Green Crested Lizard (Bronchocela Cristatella).

    Chameleon changing of colour

    Some chameleon species are able to change their skin colour, which has made them one of the most famous lizard families. Changing colour is an expression of the physical and physiological condition of the lizard. The colour also plays an important part in communication.

    Despite popular belief, chameleons cannot change colour to their surroundings. Chameleons are naturally coloured for their surroundings as a camouflage.

    Chameleons have specialized cells, collectively called chromatophores, that lie in layers under their transparent outer skin. The cells in the upper layer, called xanthophores and erythrophores, contain yellow and red pigments respectively. Below these is another layer of cells called iridophores or guanophores, and they contain the colourless crystalline substance guanine. These reflect, among others, the blue part of incident light. If the upper layer of chromatophores appears mainly yellow, the reflected light becomes green (blue plus yellow). A layer of dark melanin containing melanophores is situated even deeper under the reflective iridophores. The melanophores influence the 'lightness' of the reflected light. All these different pigment cells can rapidly relocate their pigments, thereby influencing the colour of the chameleon.

    Click Chameleon gallery for more hi-res photos of chameleon (earth lion).

    Technorati Tags: Chameleon, Earth Lion

    Ixora coccinea flower, Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame

    Ixora coccinea, known as the Jungle Geranium, Flame of the Woods, and Jungle Flame, is a common flowering shrub native to Asia. Its name derives from an Indian deity. Although there are some 400 species in the genus Ixora, only a handful are commonly cultivated, and the common name, Ixora, is usually used for I. coccinea.

    I. coccinea is a dense, multi-branched evergreen shrub, commonly 4-6 ft (1.2-2 m) in height, but capable of reaching up to 12 ft (3.6 m) high. It has a rounded form, with a spread that may exceed its height. The glossy, leathery, oblong leaves are about 4 in (10 cm) long, with entire margins, and are carried in opposite pairs or whorled on the stems.

    Pink Ixora, Yellow Ixora, Red Ixora, Orange Ixora

    Small tubular, scarlet flowers in dense rounded clusters 2-5 in (5-13 cm) across are produced almost all year long. There are numerous named cultivars differing in flower colour (yellow, pink, orange) and plant size. Several popular cultivars are dwarfs, usually staying under 3 ft (1 m) in height. Ixora 'Nora Grant' is a popular dwarf and 'Super King' is a popular hybrid with much larger flower clusters than the species.

    I. coccinea is native to tropical south-east Asia, including Southern India and Sri Lanka. It has become one of the most popular flowering shrubs in South Florida gardens and landscapes.

    Ixora is also known as "Santan" in Malaysia and Philippines.

    Click for more Ixora photo gallery.

    Technorati Tags: Ixora, Santan, Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame

    Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 2

    There are three photos in this 2nd series on Tropical Wild Mushroom or fungi, being temporarily named as "Durian Mushroom", "Mushroom Spores" and finally, "Manhood Mushroom".

    1. Durian Mushroom

    The mushrooms above grow on a dead Durian branch that have fallen on the ground. The dead branch was relatively too hard for mushroom to grow since mushroom usually prefer to sprout on semi-rotten wood. See larger image of the above mushroom.


    2. Mushroom Spores

    The photo above show tiny mushroom spores growing on a burned log. The spore is a size of a match stick. See larger image of the spores.


    3. Manhood Mushroom

    Now for the fun part. I assured you that the above photo is real. It's another kind of mushroom jutting out from a hole previously drilled by an insect on a dead log. The mushroom diameter is slightly wider than a crayon. See larger image.

    Related topics:
    * Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 1
    * More pictures on Tropical Wild Mushroom

    Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi

    These wild mushrooms (or fungi) grows on the sides of dead wood. Not sure if this fungi are poisonous to people, but they are not eaten either. Their flesh is too tough and leathery. This fungus helps people by decomposing old trees so that nutrients can be recycled by new plants and animals. It also grow by itself or in small groups.

    Excellent use for screen wallpaper. Let me know if you want a bigger size.

    I am unable to identify this fungi but is very similar to "Turkey Tail" species (scientifically called "Trametes versicolor"). See for technical data.

    The picture was taken Sep 08, 2007 at Semengok Wildlife Center about 12 miles from Kuching, Sarawak.

    More pictures on Tropical Wild Mushroom

    Related topics:
    * White Mushroom, Crepidotus applanatus

    Pitcher Plants, Nepenthes, Monkey Cup

    Nepenthes which is the only genus of the Nepenthaceae family are herbaceous non-woody tropical plants which generally grow as long twining vines with pitchers. The pitchers are actually highly specialized leaves that act as passive pitfall traps (for little insects). Pitcher Plant are also known locally as Monkey Cup and can also be use for cooking glutinous rice.

    Pitcher Plant being a protected species is extremely exotic and can be found on the lowlands and highlands jungles of Borneo and other part of the world. Each species may often be endemic on certain areas.

    The photos below were taken at Pitcher Plant & Wild Orchid Garden, located at Kota Padawan township, 10 miles from Kuching, Sarawak.
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