Photos of Macaca fascicularis at Sama Jaya Forest Reserve

I went to Sama Jaya Forest Reserve in Kuching recently and stumbled upon a gang of monkeys (Macaca Fascicularis). Sama Jaya Forest Reserve is also known as Stutong Forest Reserve.

Sama Jaya Forest Reserve is surrounded by housing estates and commercial blocks and the forest reserve become the sanctuary for Macaques (the monkeys). My rough count on the monkeys total to nine (9). 2 adult monkeys (the parent), 5 adolescence monkeys, 1 baby monkey and 1 infant monkey.

Below are some of the pictures on the monkeys:

Photo of Macaques
An elder monkey breaking a plant shoot before eating it.

Photo of Macaques
An adolescence monkey scratching his butt.

Photo of Macaques
Another monkey up in the trees.

Photo of Macaques
A monkey perched on branches. Notice his right leg grappling a bunch of wild fruits (buah buan).

Photo of Macaques
A mother monkey with her infant.

Photo of Macaques
One of unidentified tropical fruit eaten by the monkey.

YouTube Live: Macaca Fascicularis at Sama Jaya Forest Reserve #1

YouTube Live: Macaca Fascicularis at Sama Jaya Forest Reserve #2

YouTube Live: Macaca Fascicularis at Sama Jaya Forest Reserve #3

For hi-resolution photo, click Monkey Gallery or Monkey Gallery #2

Related post:
* Adventure of two monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)


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