MEDITATION - Move Beyond Your Emotional Pain

MEDITATION - Move Beyond Your Emotional Pain
Play Time: 23 minutes | MP3 | 128KBPS Stereo | 30MB

“When we surrender, we allow the universe to work its magic; we say yes to infinite possibilities; we trust that things will work out as they are meant to; and we give ourselves permission to let go of the outcome. The act of surrendering can be liberating, intimidating, blissful, scary, and a swirl of so many other emotions. But in the end, we accept that life will work its magic if our words, thoughts, and actions have integrity and are impeccable.” ~ davidji

The human mind, inherently impatient, triggers emotional reactions when our ideas about how things should be collide with how things are. We sometimes torment ourselves about choices we’ve made, words we’ve spoken, and the path not taken. Or we dwell on the future, postponing our happiness with thoughts about what is missing or wrong in the present moment. These thoughts and judgments are the source of our emotional pain.


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