:: Fairytale holiday ::

We are leaving for Germany for two weeks on Wednesday via Bruges...and we are very excited because we are staying in a castle...well not the whole castle ...but what I imagine was once the servants quarters...deep in fairytale Germany.....
This is the little house which we will be staying in.....

they also have a romantic apartment which I fell in love with.....but its only for two....

It is hard to believe the little green van will be driving us home to this every night...
I think Sweet Pea has watched 'I captured the castle' too many times as she thinks she will be swimming in the moat!
The Castle Unsleben is a registered historic monument of the region. Its distinctive architecture reflects numerous additions and changes made over the centuries. The castle is privately owned by Christoph Count zu Waldburg Wolfegg, a descendant of the Habermann family, who lives there year-round with his wife, Viktoria. Can you imagine...we have been emailing a countess to organise the holiday!
I don't think we have ever needed a holiday more...its been the worst year I can remember...hopefully we will be able to get the Internet somewhere on our travels so I will make sure I share our adventures....

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