Mirror Mirror On The Wall Digitized!

When I first came across these new concept mirror pictures at SpicyTec!, my mind went straight to the scene from Iron Man when after a crazy night (I assume!) with Tony Stark the lady journalist wakes up to the sound of Gervais telling her about the surf conditions and weather outside. You can see the wall change to glass windows and through the window it was a beautiful scene of mountains and oceans. Yes it was a pretty cool scene. We all want to be in that room. To enjoy that wonderful view, of course!

Well now there is something similar to Gervais that we can all enjoy it doesn't talk but it does the trick! Thanks to Cybertecture mirror by James Law. You can now wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth and check the news, temperature, traffic, stock quotes, or even your own information. This amazing piece of technology is actually available for purchase for just $7700. It's a good price for a technologically savvy mirror. The mirror comes connected automatically to a wireless sensor pad and a remote control that allows it to reflect data of your current weight, body mass index (BMI), and any other general health state as well as historical records on your health. 

It's definitely a nice piece of technology to have in your bathroom or dresser. I surely wouldn't mind keeping up with current events while getting ready!

Soure: SpicyTec!

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