Fall colors

As a nature photographer, it is obvious that I enjoy fall for its colors. Here in the upper midwest we get quite the color show in the season just before winter. Here is a tree on our property that always brings out some great colors. I took these photos last year, for this tree only started to change about a week ago. I can't wait to photograph it again!

WP Nature Photography improvements

If you've been to WPNP before then you will notice that there have been some changes when it comes to the layout of the page. Well after some html work we have a third sidebar (on the left) along with some cool new "gadgets" to play around with. This blog's popularity is growing right now, and I feel that I have to say thank you to everyone who has been around since this sites beginning, nearly a year ago! Also, I encourage you to go into the archives and look at some "older" posts for there is plenty of stuff there to entertain you if your new. Enjoy!

Mengobati Influenza dengan Tidur yang Cukup

Mengobati Influenza dengan Tidur yang CukupAnda sering terkena influenza ? Bingung mecari obatnya ? Ternyata sebuah penelitian menunjukan bahwa obat paling mujarab untuk influenza adalah tidur yang cukup. Selain untuk mengobati influenza, tidur juga dapat mencegah kita agar tidak mudah terkena penyakit tersebut.

Influenza kental sekali hubunganya dengan system imun tubuh. Jika tidur kita berkurang makan system kekebalan tubuh kita menurun, dan jika system kekebalan ini menurun, maka virus influenza dapat dengan mudah menyerang tubuh kita.

Sebelumnya peneliti juga menemukan fakta bahwa mamalia yang tidur cukup ternyata memproduksi kadar sel darah putih yang berfungsi melawan penyakit. Sel darah putih akan meningkat, tapi tidak dengan sel darah merah.

"Spesies dengan durasi tidur yang cukup akan meningkatkan sistem imun dan tubuhnya akan terlindungi dengan baik," ujar peneliti dari Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology seperti dikutip dari New York Times, Jumat (25/9/2009).

Hasil sebuah penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa orang yang tidur kurang dari 7 atau 8 jam 3 kali lipat lebih sering terkena influenza. Oleh karena itu, mulailah mengatur jadwal tidur kita, agar terhidar dari penyakit influenza.
Anda sering terkena influenza ? Bingung mecari obatnya ? Ternyata sebuah penelitian menunjukan bahwa obat paling mujarab untuk influenza adalah tidur yang cukup. Selain untuk mengobati influenza, tidur juga dapat mencegah kita agar tidak mudah terkena penyakit tersebut[...]

Stunning Games Wallpapers

Tallest Bougainvillea In Miri

Photo of the tallest Bougainvillea (pokok bunga kertas) plant in full bloom. The photo was taken from a room at Park Hotel, Miri.

The tall Bouganinvillea used a pine tree as a support. The pine tree could be over 100ft tall.

From far, the pine tree look like it was infest with a blooming parasite plant.

Above: Shot taken from underneath the plant.

About Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea (pronounced /ˌbuːɡɨnˈvɪliə/) is a genus of flowering plants native to South America from Brazil west to Peru and south to southern Argentina (Chubut Province). Different authors accept between four and 18 species in the genus. The plant was discovered in Brazil in 1768, by Philibert Commerçon, French Botanist accompanying French Navy admiral and explorer Louis Antoine de Bougainville during his voyage of circumnavigation.

They are thorny, woody vines growing anywhere from 1-12 meters tall, scrambling over other plants with their hooked thorns. The thorns are tipped with a black, waxy substance. They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year, or deciduous if there is a dry season. The leaves are alternate, simple ovate-acuminate, 4-13 cm long and 2-6 cm broad. The actual flower of the plant is small and generally white, but each cluster of three flowers is surrounded by three or six bracts with the bright colors associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow. Bougainvillea glabra is sometimes referred to as "paper flower" because the bracts are thin and papery. The fruit is a narrow five-lobed achene.

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