A Few Basic Steps About Blog Marketing

There is a fast growing trend for people to set up a blog and feel totally rejected within a very small period of time because they are not getting hoards of people flocking to their site to read their posts. The secret is to not get to disheartened, but to follow a few basic steps about blog marketing, and then I would think that they would be totally surprised at how fast their audience would grow, and how willing people would be to read their latest posts. So the next question is how can you brand yourself to get your blog noticed and standing out above the norm, so you are getting loads of traffic and lots of views.

If you are not going to pick a good topical niche to write about, then do as I will do and that is to write about my journey from zero to hero in the world of internet marketing. I do realise that people who just talk about themselves 24/7 will eventually bore their audience to the point of leaving, but the person who writes about his or hers journey, from beginning to end makes very interesting reading, especially for someone who is thinking of embarking on the same or similar journey. If you are not thinking of doing the same sort of thing, then do as I said in the beginning and pick a good niche that you know something about. The ideal situation is to write about a hobby that you are interested in, and that is also very popular with millions of people. Example [Fishing].

Now you can start posting on forums, but make sure you put your url from your blog in in your forum signature, or it can be classed as spam and that is the last thing you need when you are just starting out. Do not just blast your way into the forum, pimping your crap, as my mentor would say. [Alex Jeffreys] The ideal approach would be to just join the conversation, and try and make sure that it is the same as the niche you are writing about. This way you will get a lot of return readers to your blog. Try to find the most current forums in the niche you are writing about.

If you find it difficult to find a good forum in your own niche, just go to google and google search for your own niche keywords, and then just add forums. You should then find that you have a big enough list to pick a good size forum with at least a couple of thousand members in. Another thing that is worth thinking about is to try and do track backs and ping backs to all the other blogs that you have visited and commented on, so they will know who you are. Curiosity will always make people come and look who you are when they find out that you have been talking about them, they will want to know exactly what you said about them. What is even better is that some of their readers will hear that you were talking about an interesting subject and then they will visit your blog.

Try and put a bit of time aside to make visits to other peoples blogs and leave comments, and nine times out of ten you are asked to leave your blog url which obviously links them straight back to your blog. Try to visit and comment on blogs that are writing about the same sort of niche that you are writing about, and then you are more liable to find that when they visit your blog that they will stay a lot longer. You should always keep your blog up to date when you first start writing because your readers will always look forward to returning and reading your latest post when you have got their attention. If you just stick to the basic steps that I have just mentioned you will find that you will get a natural organic growth of traffic and find more and more readers and comments coming to your blog every day. Don't forget to never use spam on your fellow writers blogs, as Google do not take very kindly to this and one way or another you will be penalized, which in turn will brake the chain of organic growth of your blog.

by Derek Overington

Blog: http://www.ToGoodToMention.com

Website: http://www.MyBestMoneyMakersNow.com

Skype: delsmoneymakers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Overington
There is a fast growing trend for people to set up a blog and feel totally rejected within a very small period of time because they are not getting hoards of people flocking to their site to read their posts[...]

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