:: Skye magic ::

No trip to Skye would be complete without a trip to the wonderful Shilisdair.....
where I did happen to treat myself to some hand spun cashmere...
the colours of the yarns are exquisite...every colour of the rainbow and such depth and variation on each hank...I cant wait to get home and get my needles out!

....then we went for a walk to Talisker bay...

.....come on get your boots on...it's a little fresh and windy but the view is worth it....

Mr B got a bit romantic.....
...and Sweet Pea laughed....
I dont know where the days have gone...plenty of lazy mornings....beautiful drives and walks and lots of chats and catch ups in the wool shops......coffee and cakes.....meeting old friends and making new ones...Skye is such a magical place....we are already planning our next visit.....

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