:: Time flies ::

Was it only a week ago?...
time really does fly...

since our return from Skye, Mr B and I have celebrated birthdays, ploughed through mountains of washing and ironing and madly prepared for next term and exam madness!!
So its been lovely to find a little time this morning to reflect on our lovely holiday and look at the photographs that we took less than a week ago...

We sat here last Saturday afternoon at Plockton eating ice cream,

enjoying the sun on our backs and the beautiful view...isn't this an idyllic spot?

I couldn't get over how clear the sea was...

and this is one of our favourite spots where we stopped to eat lunch on the way home....

and later re-explore the ruins of this beautiful little church....

what a beautiful place to be laid to rest....

I also wanted to share the highlight of our holiday with you.
Seven years ago I read an article about this lady in Country Living and it was this article that inspired me to make my first visit Skye, and which we have now returned to every year, ever since, and yet her studio was never open...
but this year I made contact with her and we arranged an appointment to visit her studio...
We had a fascinating time looking at her work and admiring her craftsmanship...
Laura is a book binder and you can see her website here
I loved looking at her work and the fascinating tools of her trade...

Did we buy anything?
well Mr B. has commissioned Laura to make this....

into a journal for me for my birthday - entitled.....' A time to Dance'
and I couldn't resist a couple of her little notebooks...
although they are too nice to use....

...and here is a show case of some of her stunning pieces....
the pictures don't do them justice...they are so lovely to hold and to look through...
I sooooooo wanted one of these books...
but they were too many pennies...
maybe one day ...
These are such fun, made from re-cycled fruit boxes!
Laura also runs courses, so I will be booking a place next Easter....
and now its Saturday...and work lies before us with all that goes with the hectic exam period...
so we need to hang onto the sunshine and all the happy memories from another lovely holiday in Skye...
it has worked it's magic, refreshed and revived, inspired and healed...
and prepared us for the journey ahead....

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