:: Prayers answered ::

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you Right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything that happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it." Unknown

I found this quote in the School Governor's bulletin of all things...but it resonated with me and made me think and reflect on all that we have gone through since January.

Those of you who follow my little blog will know we have had quite a hard time during the last six months, we have been so encouraged and comforted by all your kind words. Thank you.

I am delighted to tell you we have turned a corner... Mr.B had an interview last week and now has a new job for September, in walking distance would you believe ?

Work has also turned around for me and through all the pain and anguish good has prevailed and positives have come out of it all.

I still have lots to do, my new routine at the weekend is rising at 5am and working till the family get up, but I am getting through it all and feel I am almost at the top of the mountain to admire the view. Please share it with me...

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