More on Fluffy

This is Fluffy this morning, curled up asleep on my jumper. I dare you to try to tell which end is which. If you can, you are obviously a seasoned cat-watcher!

Well, Fluffy had a scan yesterday and the result is very cautious optimism- so thank you for all the crossed fingers, purrs and good vibes. In order to have a look inside without knocking her out, they used an ultra-sound scan, and to keep her still they placed warm beanbags across her :)

Basically, when the vet felt the lump on the kidney she thought it felt very bad, but when she saw it on the scan she wasn't so worried. She can't rule out a tumour or cancer, not without a biopsy, and we don't want to do that because of Fluffy's advanced age. 

As to what it is, we aren't sure. She does have reduced kidney function, but is more in the 'cause for concern' category than at danger level. SO she is on pills for this. I guess she should go back on her renal diet food, but it's hard to get her to eat it, even though I've exhausted the various manufacturers of this. Anyway, for now, it's important to just get her eating something

She did have a bad kidney infection in the early summer, and maybe this weird thing on her kidney is part of that. She has been sent home after a B12 injection, a steroid jab and a long-lasting anti-biotic. Last night she slept through till 7.15!!!!!!

I told the vet my concern over her lack of appetite and then, during her day at the vet's, Fluffy made me out a liar by eating loads of tuna :) Today, she hasn't been very enthusiastic about boiled fish, but does like the chicken I've roasted for OUR dinner. Hey ho!!!

my new blog, about caring for mum: Carftering

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