
Rememer I mentioned a while back that I'd like to try my hand at making books? (I was going to say "Bookmaking" but that means something else, doesn't it... I wonder why that is? Hmm strange...) Well I still haven't got to grips with the little sewing machine but I've made these ones with ribbon binding instead......

Only two holes are visible from the cover, but the ribbon actually weaves through four.

I've also made two Christmas notebooks, for lists. I made them handbag size, one for me and one for Mum, so that we can use them when we're Christmas shopping. I have to have lists for this. Otherwise I end up buying three things for one person and nothing for two others, and only find out when I'm out of cash ;^)

Hope you like my efforts so far. One is already winging its way to someone, tucked inside a birthday card.....

New blog: Carftering


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